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 Mayapur rooms

 Visit Mayapur Dham

śrī gauḍa-maṇḍala-bhūmi,     yebā jāne cintāmaṇi,tā'ra haya vrajabhūme vāsa
”One who understands the transcendental nature of Navadvīpa and its surrounding area, where Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu enacted His pastimes, resides always in Vṛndāvana.” 

 ...and stay at the Oriya  Math

Over 100 rooms available! 
Affordable, clean Mayapur rooms at Oriya Math
Affordable, clean Mayapur rooms at Oriya Math
Affordable, clean Mayapur rooms at Oriya Math
Affordable, clean Mayapur rooms at Oriya Math
Affordable, clean Mayapur rooms at Oriya Math
Affordable, clean Mayapur rooms at Oriya Math
 Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

 Radha Raman das

+91 7501466865

Voice and WhatsApp

Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mission

 Bhaktisiddhanta Swami Marg

Mayapur, Nadia District, WB 741313

 Dhira Krishna das

+91 6295945593

Voice and WhatsApp

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